Yard Supervision

This is a child page of Policies

Scoil Charthaigh Naofa
Yard Supervision Policy
To oversee the safety of children while at play in the school yard
To observe and monitor behavioural patterns while outside the confines of the classroom.
To ensure smooth running of the school through enforcement of general school directives which covers outside activities
The yard is supervised at all times during regular school breaks. Two teachers will be on duty at all times.
The teachers assume no responsibility for yard supervision prior to 9.20 am and after 3.00 pm. Supervision is provided for ten minutes before school opens. No child should be dropped to the school before the bell sounds which indicates the ten minute supervision period. All children should be collected at 3.00 pm sharp.
A yard supervision rota is drawn up by the principal at the start of the school year.
Children must be escorted to the yard by their teacher.
Children must line up when the bell rings.
Children remain indoors on wet days. On wet days teachers are encouraged to bring their class to the gym for exercise.
When a teacher is knowingly absent he/she should swop with another member of staff.
When a teacher is unexpectedly absent the teacher who is not on yard on that day takes their place and this is then paid back when the teacher who was absent returns to work.
Children with complaints/ injuries must consult with the teacher on yard duty.
If a child is injured he/ she should be escorted to the staff room for first aid by the special needs assistant on the yard.
An accident report book is to be maintained.
This policy is to be reviewed every September