
This is a child page of Policies

Homework Policy

Aims and Objectives:

  • To enable the children to develop a sense of responsibility and independence.
  • To foster positive home-school links.
  • To consolidate learning and further develop concentration skills.
  • To enhance self-esteem through provision of achievable work.


Homework Diary

Blackboard or whiteboard

Worksheets, textbooks, exercise copies, folders etc

Strategies to acknowledge and develop good homework practice

Praise may be given by means of the following:

  • A quiet word or gesture to show approval.
  • A comment in a pupil’s exercise book
  • A visit to another member of staff or to the Principal for commendation
  • A word of praise in front of group or class
  • Delegating some special responsibility or privilege
  • A mention to parents (written or verbal communication)


The homework policy of Rahan Primary School has been formulated by staff and endorsed by the Board of Management. It is the policy of the school to assign appropriate class-related levels of homework, as it is an important reinforcement in the learning process. It links home and school, fosters good study habits, and acts as a means of developing self-discipline. Homework is given from Monday to Thursday; it is not generally given at weekends. From time to time project work may be given over a four to six week period which can be researched over the weekend.

If homework causes stress or worry to a child, parents are encouraged to convey these anxieties to the class teacher by appointment.

If homework cannot be completed on a particular night parents are asked to forward a written note.

Parents are advised to supervise and check homework.

Paired reading is encouraged in the infant classes.

Procedure for Parents

Provide suitable, comfortable facilities.

Remove distractions, e.g.; T.V, younger siblings.

Do not actually do the homework for the child.

Notify the class teacher if time spent on homework is longer than the recommended time.

It is recommended that parents read to and with their children on a regular basis.

The table below outlines approximately the duration of homework for the classes catered for within the school. Children should not spend more than the maximum time illustrated on this table. Should the child in the opinion of his/ her parent be unable to complete their homework in this timeframe the school recommends that the child stop and that their parent write a brief note to the teacher explaining the difficulties that their child had with their homework. This will also allow the teacher to attain a balance in the provision of homework.

Junior Infants

10-15 Minutes

Senior Infants

10-15 Minutes

First Class

25-30 Minutes

Second Class

25-30 Minutes

Third Class

40-45 Minutes

Fourth Class

40-45 Minutes

Fifth Class

50 Mins-1 Hour

Sixth Class

50 Mins-1 Hour

Standardisation Of Homework Provision

Each of the Class Groups will be given homework under a standard template.


Writing Down/ How Homework is Assigned

Junior and Senior Infants  Homework for the entire week will be sent home on Monday detailing what is to be done and any events that may be cropping up during the week.

All Other Classes Homework will involve

Written English and Maths

Learning- Tables, Spellings, Vocabulary (Irish and English)


Other- Written or Learning from another subject area reflecting ongoing work in the classroom.

All children will have homework Journal from First Class and Homework will be written down by children at that stage.


  • In-class corrections.
  • Checking of homework diaries.
  • Parent-teacher meetings
  • Class tests.
  • Pupil Profiling.
  • Teacher Observation.