Absence and Attendance

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Absence and Attendance policy Scoil Charthaigh Naofa, Rahan

1. We the Board of Management of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa recognise the importance of good levels of attendance regarding success in education. To this end we have drafted this policy in the hope of promoting a positive culture of school attendance.
2. All absences must be explained in the form of a written note to the class teacher of the child absent either immediately before the absence or on the next school day after the absence.
3. Teachers in each class will be given an attendance grid at the start of each academic year containing the name of each individual child and columns which can be ticked off as a record of each day of absence.
4. When a child misses 15 days of school a letter will be sent home to parents stating the amount of days the child has missed and explaining that if the child misses 20 school days in a school year the National Education Welfare Board will be notified. A standard letter will be used to make such notification to parents. (see appendix 1)
5. It is the policy of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa to notify the National Educational Welfare Board after the child is absent for a total of 20 days in any one school year. A standard letter will be used to make such notification.( see appendix 2)
6. Levels of attendance will be sent home to parents in their child's summer reports.
7. It is not encouraged by Scoil Charthaigh Naofa that children are absent from school as a result of holidays or other such needless absences .We encourage parents to plan their holidays around the standardised school year.
8. Attendance, behaviour and academic records of children who transfer to another primary school will be passed to the principal of the school by post as soon as we receive written notification of transfer.
9. Attendance, behaviour and academic records of children who transfer to Scoil Charthaigh Naofa will be sought directly from the previous school.
10. Attendance, behaviour and academic records of pupils transferring to secondary school will be sent to the school once enrolment has been confirmed.
11. It is the policy of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa that the National Educational Welfare Board will be notified in writing if a child has been suspended for a cumulative total of six days per school year. Where the Board of Management invokes a suspension of over three days for serious breaches of the code of discipline of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa a letter will be sent on the first day of that suspension to the National Educational Welfare Board outlining the duration of the suspension and the reasons for that suspension.