Career Breaks for Teachers

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Board of Management, Scoil Charthaigh Naofa

Policy re; Career Breaks for Teachers
A permanent member of the teaching staff of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa may apply for a career break, or forms of leave, as per the conditions set out in Circular 12/98 and the accompanying booklet. While referring to this circular an application for a career break and other forms of long-term leave will be examined under additional points laid out in this policy:
1. As a general principle every effort will be made by the B.O.M to facilitate applications for career breaks and other forms of leave from members of the teaching staff.
2. While recognising a teacher's desire to take leave for whatever reason, it will be recognised that the welfare and educational needs of pupils shall take precedence over all other considerations.
3. Should a teacher wish, the reason for taking leave need only be made known to the principal or the chairperson of the B.O.M.
4. The maximum number of teachers on leave (including career break, exchange, leave of absence, study leave, job sharing and secondment)`in any school year shall not exceed 1/3 of the staff. Exceptions to this quota may be made where specific personal/family circumstances prevail.
5. Where the number of applications for any long-term leave (including the extension of existing arrangements) exceeds the available quota, such applications will be considered on their merits by the Principal and Chairperson of the Board of Management.