Allocation of Classes

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Allocation of Classes
The principal should arrange a fair distribution of teaching duties among the staff, taking into account the needs of the pupils and the abilities, experience, personality and preferences of each teacher. All mainstream classes and learning support/recourse classes based in the school will be allocated by the principal according to this policy. All teachers may be asked to take any of the allocations available in the school.
In the interest of fairness to all members of staff who may wish to diversify or further their in-career development it is vital that a policy is in place so that staff members know how to access alternate teaching roles.
It is our school policy to rotate teachers every two to four years for mainstream classes and every four to six years for special education teachers. This will allow teachers to gain experience and insight into all grades. It is not always possible to allocate classes according to the preferences of each teacher and it is our general practice to accommodate with their first preference those teachers who did not receive their first preference in the previous rotation.
The principal will ask teachers for their preferences in early January and classes will be allocated by the end of March. This will allow teachers time to prepare for their new role and consult with other teachers before the summer holidays. It is in everyone's interest that rotation continues, however at certain times or for various reasons i.e. Times of great stress/anxiety that changing classes might be too much for a teacher the principal will confer and consult with the deputy principal to make a decision base a holistic approach.
Under section 22 of the Education Act the decision for class allocation finally rests with the principal. The principal retains all decision making in this area and will refer to this policy to ensure that class allocation is done in as fair as possible a manner.