Data Protection

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Scoil Charthaigh Naofa
Data Protection Policy

1) The Principal is the Data Controller.
2) Information collected is for the provision and administration of an educational service.
3) Application and Description of Personal Data:
Application Description
a) Student Records Name, home address, date of birth, gender, religious belief, racial/ethnic origin, nationality, special needs notation, medical card details, psychological reports, assessment reports, medical details, dietary requirements, travel details, courses followed, PPSN, academic results, previous education details, IQ results, attendance records, details of fees and other payments/contributions, parents/guardians names, contact details and occupation, details of siblings.
b) Fundraising Records Name, address and contact details of contributors, details of contributions.
c) Staff Records: Name, home address, home contact details, date of birth, absence records, personnel payroll number, PPSN, salary & pension details, annual & sick leave records, details of next of kin, current & previous employment records, disciplinary records, CV/qualifications, bank details.
4) Disclosures:
a. Department of Education & Science. Department of Health & Children, Health Board. Sending & receiving 1st & 2nd Level Schools.
c. Department of Education & Science.

5) Transfers abroad: Receiving 1st & 2nd Level schools.
6) Sensitive Data:
a. Racial Origin (Student Records & Staff Records)
b. Religious Beliefs (Student Records & Staff Records)
c. Physical or Mental Health (Student Records)
Physical Safeguards:
Premises alarmed and monitored when not occupied. Access to files restricted to authorised personnel only.
Technical Safeguards: Systems are password protected and anti-virus software is in use; a firewall is used to protect systems connected to the Internet.

7) We are not required by law to make any of our personal data available to the public.
8) The Principal is the person who will supervise the application of the Act in relation to personal data within the school.