Bus Safety

This is a child page of Policies

Policy on Bus Safety

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Charthaigh Naofa, Rahan that all buses/ coaches used to transport our pupils meet the highest standards.

Hire of buses / coaches
It shall be a condition of hire that a company hired by the school shall have available if requested the following items:

1. A written guarantee that seatbelts are fitted and in working order.
2. A copy of the licence of any driver intending to transport our pupils.
3. A copy of the insurance certificate for any bus / coach used for transporting our pupils.
4. A copy of the Dept. of Public Enterprise Safety Inspection Report for each bus / coach used for transporting our pupils.

The Board of Management has also determined that, in the event of a bus / coach arriving without seatbelts as promised, that the trip will be postponed. We understand the upset this may cause our young pupils but feel that parents will respect our common desire to put safety above all considerations.

Use of buses

The behaviour of children while on a bus / coach must also meet the highest standard and we commend them and their teachers on the fact that this has not been a problem for us in the past. However we wish to make the following clear:
I. Children must remain seated at all times.
II. Seatbelts must be worn at all times.
III. Children must obey the instructions of their teachers at all times.
IV. Children may not eat or drink on a bus / coach unless given permission to do so by their teacher.
V. Children must enter and exit a bus / coach quietly and in an orderly manner.
VI. Children must be mindful of other bus users.
VII. Children who consistently disobey the above rules will not be permitted to travel with the school on trips.